
Admission Policy

International Classes at Manglerud skole is a city-wide programme open for qualified applicants who hold the right to education in the Municipality of Oslo.


The academically rigorous curriculum is delivered in English and follows the framework of the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) Primary Years Programme (PYP)  for Grades 1 - 6 and the International Baccalaureate Organization Middle Years Programme (MYP) for Grades 7 -10.

 The IBO PYP and IBO MYP programmes are not English language learning programmes.  Students admitted to Manglerud International Classes (MIC) are required to have a level of competency in writing, reading and speaking English to enable them to fully participate in the programme without any additional English language support.

In 2024- there are 25 places available in year 1. All other years are subject to availability.


For the 2024-2025 school year the application deadline is 1st of March. The application portal will be open 10th of January 2024.

All applications are processed after 1st of March. There is no “first to come- first served” policy.


Who Can Apply?

International Classes at Manglerud Skole is for:

  • Students whose families have moved to Oslo*, Norway from abroad in connection with work or studies and plan on staying for a short time (1-3 years)
  • Students from families, who live in Oslo, that are preparing for a stay a country outside of Norway within the next two years.
  • Students whose families, who live in Oslo* and have high ambitions for their child's education and would like to participate in an accelerated learning program with the International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum  
  • *those currently not residing in Oslo must submit proof of residency prior to school start

For further information about specific admissions criteria- please read the Admissions Policy- PDF document (on right). 

Who will be admitted?
After 1st of March all applications will be processed by the Admission Committee. Processing time is 6-8 weeks. Applications will be ranked as follows: 

  • Students whose applications fall within the aforementioned target groups and who meet all the criteria (see Admissions Policy) . 
  • Siblings who also meet the criteria will be prioritized.
  • If there are more sibling applications than there are places, then a ballot will be drawn to determine allocation of places
  • Remaining qualified applicants will be allocated any remaining places using a draw system after being ranked by criteria.

Applicants may be asked to participate in an interview prior to admission. 

What do I need to send in to be admitted?
Prepare all the following documents. All documents must be submitted with the application as well as all questions must be answered. Please prepare the following documents:

Documentation - Please read through carefully and find the following documents for your application!
The following forms of documentation should be added to an application

  1. Documentation of temporary stay
  2. Documentation of residency in Oslo
  3. Documentation of English Langauge proficiency - from years 3 onwards- handwritten piece of writing from the student
  4. Transcrips for MYP
  5. Other: Need for support, medical support, etc. - documents that help the school prepare for the student and support them early on
  6. Upon successful admission: Health Card/ Vaccination Programme register to be provided to school health services within first week 

Examples of Documentation:

 I. To document temporary stay in Oslo, Norway- at least one of the following

  • Work contract with end date
  • Letter from employer or university indicating start and end dates

II. To document residency* - at least one of the following

  • A copy of Certificate of Residence (bodstedsattest) issued by the National Registry (Folkeregisteret) or The Norwegian Tax Administration (Skatteetaten) for WHOLE family
  • Proof of address- lease documents

Applicants who are moving to Oslo are eligible to apply for admission. They cannot, however, be considered for admission until relevant documentation is received, for example, an employment contract indicating the length of the contract and/ or a rental contract for housing in Oslo.

Proof of residency will be required before an official offer of a place can be given.

III. To document language proficiency in English

  • A statement of proficiency in English from the student's present school.
  • Report or achievement record
  • Transcript
  • Written task sample (years 3-10)- 50 words written by the student on any topic in their handwriting

IV. Other Required Documentation 

For MYP (years 7-10)

  • Transcript/ report card from previous two years

V. Other Suggested Documentation- do not send anything with sensitive information (such as diagnosis- such documents should be submitted in person upon admissions)

  • The following documents do not have any bearing on admissions  but are suggested to help to support a child prior to starting school
  • Sakkyndig vurdering/ Expert assessment
  • Diagnosis of learning support or needs-(to be submitted in person upon admissions)
  • Special Needs Documentation from previous school
  • Diagnostic test results, standardized test results or mapping from previous school in i.e Maths and English
  • Learning support plans/ Individual Learning Plans (ILPs)
  • Medical support information from health services, etc. -i.e. student needs additional care or assistance for medical reasons (to be submitted in person upon admissoins)
  • Letter from previous kindergarten/school about necessary accommodations

Upon Successful Admissions please also provide the school with the following documents in person. For GDPR reasons we do not wish electronic copies.

  • Health card/ proof of vaccination (if coming from abroad)- only to be submitted upon successful admissions within the first week of attendance
  • Documentation of diagnosis for special/ medical needs

Waiting List: 

In the event of there being more applicants than places available, applicants not allocated a place will be placed on a waiting list for the appropriate grade.

Applications received after the application deadline will also be placed on the appropriate waiting list.  

Students may be offered a place throughout the school year should places become available. 

How to apply?
Please visit our Admissions Proceedure page and use the link provided.

Unable to log in? Issues with applying? 
Please contact Ms. Cecilie Edwards, cecilie.edwards@osloskolen.no 
Telephone + 47 474 83 408.

Admissions Policy Jan 2024