
Price and Payment

The cost of AKS depends on the household income and if the child has a fulltime or part-time place. Children in grade 1YPYP1 at Manglerud are entitled to a free part-time place. There is no sibling discount for AKS.

Income over 387 552 Kroner

Fulltime place: 2998 kroner

Fulltime place for year 1 students: 972 kroner

Part-time place: 2026 kroner

Part-time place for year 1 students: Free

Income from 217 999 to 387 552 Kroner

Fulltime place: 1176 kroner

Fulltime place for year 1 students: 420 kroner

Part-time place: 756 kroner

Part-time place for year 1 students: Free

Income until 217 998 Kroner

Fulltime place: 640 kroner

Fulltime place for year 1 students:  229 kroner

Part-time place: 411 kroners

Part-time place for year 1 students: Free

Children with Special Needs

Children with special needs have the right to a place at AKS from years 1-7. The place is free from year 5-7.

Apply for Reduced Payment Because of Low Income

To receive reduced payment for AKS because of low income you must fill out a form and attach documentation for the households income.

Form for reduced payment (LINK: https://www.oslo.kommune.no/getfile.php/13133989/Innhold/Skole%20og%20utdanning/Aktivitetsskolen/Egenerklskjema-Aktivitetsskolen.pdf)

Examples of documentation:

-          Documentation of salary/Confirmation from employer of salary

-          Documentation of financial aid, social benefits or other financial support

-          Pension

-          Unemployment support

-          Copy of admission letter to higher education institution/Other documentation of intent to study

Send the form to your child's school.

Waving Costs due to Illness

If your child is ill and absent from AKS for four weeks or more, you are entitled to have costs waved for the period. Send the form to the school.

Form for waving costs (Link: https://www.oslo.kommune.no/getfile.php/1327182/Innhold/Skole%20og%20utdanning/Aktivitetsskolen/S%C3%B8knad%20om%20betalingsfritak%20ved%20sykdom%20hos%20aktivitetsskolen.pdf)

Split Payment or Change Person Paying

Download and fill out the form for splitting payment between parents and send it to the school.

Form for split payment (Link: https://www.oslo.kommune.no/getfile.php/1327179/Innhold/Skole%20og%20utdanning/Aktivitetsskolen/Melding%20om%20delt%20faktura%20for%20betaling%20aktivitetsskolen.pdf)

Do you wish to change the recipient of the bill?

Form to change person paying (Link: https://www.oslo.kommune.no/getfile.php/1327183/Innhold/Skole%20og%20utdanning/Aktivitetsskolen/Melding%20om%20bytte%20av%20betaler%20for%20aktivitetsskolen.pdf)

Not Receiving the Bill?

Contact the school if you have not received your bill for AKS.